More Than Hope 2.0

A conversation with Afa Dworkin, Regina Carter, and Leyla McCalla
FREE. Donations accepted at

If not us, who? If not now, when? 


This one-hour conversation will feature a dream team of three women who, with Vermont host Hannah Assefa, will discuss the role of music in moving from statements of solidarity to action for individuals, organizations, and systems committed to racial justice.

  • Afa Dworkin is an accomplished violinist and president and artistic director of the Sphinx Organization. 
  • Leyla McCalla is a cellist, composer, and a Grammy Award-winning member of the Carolina Chocolate Drops, solo-artist. 
  • Regina Carter is a violinist, a multi-Grammy nominee, and a MacArthur Fellow. 
  • Hannah Assefa (host) is a Young Tradition Vermont board member, an educator, and an accomplished fiddler.

More Than Hope is part of holding regular conversations about racial justice.  We are setting aside time for these conversations, to hear ourselves and to hear from others.  

Afa, Regina, and Leyla will help us consider making Black and Brown artists and their work part of what is presented to young musicians and dancers, and part of what they are inspired about, learn from, include in their performances, and use to serve their communities. We invite others to join us as we listen for ideas and principles that can be useful in attempts to be diverse, inclusive, and equitable.

These topics with guests like Afa, Regina, and Leyla give us time to understand, reflect, and decide to take meaningful action.  More Than Hope allows us hear about, think about, and focus on ways we can include our values about racial justice in what we do with and for children and youth.

How to watch

Free access on Young Tradition Vermont’s Facebook page

Donations accepted at

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