Trey McLaughlin & The Sounds of Zamar are a renowned gospel/neo-soul collective hailing from Augusta, Georgia, known for their opulent harmonies, clever musical theater covers, and beautiful, anthemic originals. The ensemble, organized in 2009, has performed with gospel greats such as William McDowell, Kierra “Kiki” Sheard, Richard Smallwood, VaShawn Mitchell, Earnest Pugh, and James Fortune. Led by passionate, multi-hyphenate vocalist Trey M. McLaughlin—a dedicated educator who works to develop and mentor the next generation of talented gospel singers—The Sounds of Zamar celebrate community through the undeniable power of many voices coming together as one. Their concerts are invigorating, soul-stirring experiences that transcend genres, generations, and cultural boundaries. The Flynn is pleased to present this uplifting and resonant gospel show as part of our celebration of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.