Spanning the lives and stories of four generations of women in a Cherokee family, Redbone travels back in time to her own childhood and beyond into the memories and tales of her ancestors through music and song. An epic story of one woman’s return to her homeland on Black Mountain and the coalmines of Harlan County, KY where her family have dwelled for centuries, Bone Hill is the story of her family’s simple and sacred connection to the land—and the ruptures that threaten to extinguish it. The journey brings to light an important piece of American history that has remained untold.
Created by Martha Redbone and Aaron Whitby, with all music and lyrics by Martha Redbone and Aaron Whitby.
Thanks to our generous donors, tickets to all student shows are available at a discounted rate of $10. A limited number of free tickets and transportation subsidies are available for schools where 50 percent or more students are eligible for free and reduced meals.