Student Matinee Series

Ballet Hispánico

All ages

The City of Burlington's Great Streets initiative is ongoing. Visit the city's website for information about Main Street construction and detours. Please allow extra time to get to the theater.


Ballet Hispánico was founded on the principle that everyone deserves dance, quality dance training, and innovative performances. In creating the company in 1970, Tina Ramirez shattered multiple glass ceilings, challenging iconic representations and exposing the joy and celebration to be found in Latindad. Despite its humble origins, Ballet Hispánico immediately served as a catalyst for people in the Latine/x/Hispanic community, especially for Latino youth, to follow their dreams through the power of dance. Today, Ballet Hispánico is the largest Latino cultural organization in the United States and one of America’s Cultural Treasures, as well as ambassadors for the community worldwide. The company has performed for millions of people in three continents and all fifty states. Engaging audiences with the work of Latino and Latina choreographers, Ballet Hispánico opens a platform for new cultural dialogue, nurtures inspiring young dancers of all ages, and champions and amplifies the Latin American experience through stunningly choreographed dance.

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Ballet Hispánico delivers spirited fun.


Student matinee performances illustrate the dynamic relationship between the performing arts and the subjects explored in the classroom. Tickets are available at a discounted rate of $10 for schools and homeschoolers.

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