Jimmy’s Party of Nine presents “Trouble and Together,” dedicated to Jimmy Sheldon-Dean’s lifetime of musical influences, from Paul Butterfield to Frank Zappa, Miles Davis to Joni Mitchell. The show is inspired by the troubles we all face from time to time, as individuals, couples, and a society, and the idea of coming together in peace and love to overcome those troubles.
Jimmy Sheldon-Dean (bass and vocals) is joined by a stellar cadre of Vermont musicians of distinguished reputation: Paul Asbell (guitar), Chuck Eller (keyboards), Jeff Salisbury (percussion), Brian Johnson (percussion), with special guest bassist Grammy-nominated Michael Manring, and Jimmy’s family vocalists Abby, Phoebe, and Hannah Sheldon-Dean.
In the heartfelt spirit of the show, admission is free; you may get tickets in advance to secure your spot. Ticket holders must be seated by 6:45pm. Unclaimed seats will be released at 6:50pm. Donations to the Humane Society of Chittenden County are encouraged and will be accepted at the show.