Matching Gifts

Many companies will match, double, or even triple gifts made by their employees. Corporate matching gifts are a great way to maximize your personal contribution to the Flynn. Contact your company’s human resources department to find out about matching gift opportunities, or contact us to inquire about this program.

Examples of companies that match employee gifts:

  • Abbott Laboratories
  • AIG, American Express
  • Belden Alpha Wire
  • Ben & Jerry's
  • Black & Decker
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont
  • Boeing Foundation
  • BP Matching Fund Program
  • Burlington Free Press
  • Cigna Foundation
  • Coca-Cola Company
  • The Energizer
  • Exxonmobil Corporation
  • Gannett Foundation
  • Gardener's Supply
  • General Electric
  • Goodrich Corporation
  • Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
  • Home Depot
  • Honeywell International Foundation
  • Houghton Mifflin Company
  • IBM Corporation
  • International Paper Company
  • J.P. Morgan Chase & Company
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Key Bank of Vermont
  • Kraft Foods, Inc.
  • Merck Company
  • Merrill Lynch Aetna Foundation Inc.
  • New England Power
  • Pepsico Corporation 
  • AT&T Foundation
  • Philip Morris Company Glaxo
  • Smith Kline
  • Pitney Bowes Bank Of America
  • Saint-Gobain Corporation
  • Sara Lee Foundation
  • Shell
  • Starr Farm Nursing Center
  • Textron Corporation
  • Timberlane Dental Group
  • Travelers Citigroup Corporation
  • United Technology 
  • Corning Incorporated Foundation
  • Verizon Foundation 
  • McGraw-Hill
  • Vermont Country Store
  • Westinghouse Eli Lilly Company
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